This collection of papers arose from a series of lectures
for workers in computer science and other disciplines. The
lectures were intended to familiarize them with some of the
most exciting advanced computer based systems for the
conceptualization, design, implementation, simulation, and
logical analysis of applications in these disciplines.
The collection presents some strong motivational points for
the use of theory based systems in the areas of functional
programming, concurrency, simulation, and automated
reasoning, highlighting some of their advantages and
disadvantages relative to conventional systems. The papers
are mostly the work of individuals who were among the
originators of the systemspresented.
The volume is intended as a contribution to narrowing the
learning gap facing conventional computer users when they
wish to use advanced theory based systems. The papers are
meant for a wide audience and should not require great
mathematical sophistication for their comprehension. The
papers contain numerous references for those wishing to
pursue a topic in greater depth.