The Joint Institute for Aeronautics and Acoustics at Stanford University was established in October 1973 to provide an academic environment for long-term cooperative research between Stanford and NASA Ames Research Center. Since its establishment, the In stitute has wnducted theoretical and experimental work in the areas of aerodynamics, acoustics, fluid mechanics, flight dynamics, guid ance and control, and human factors. This research has involved Stanford faculty, research associates, graduate students, and many distinguished visitors in collaborative efforts with the research staff of NASA Ames Research Center. The occasion of the Institute's tenth anniversary was used to reflect back on where that research has brought us, and to consider where our endeavors should be directed next. Thus, an International Symposium was held to review recent advances in the fields relevant to the activities of the Institute and to discuss the areas of research to be undertaken in the future. This anniversary was also chosen a.."1 an opportunity to honor one of the Institute's founders and its di rector, Professor Krishnamurty Karamcheti. It has been his creative inspiration that has provided the ideal research environment at the Joint Institute. The International Symposium on Recent Advances in Aero dynamics and Aconstics was held at Stanford University, Stanford, California, U.S.A., August 22-26, 198:~. Thirty-five distinguished scientists were invited to present a comprehensive review on the fol lowing subject areas: unsteady aerodynamics, jets and shear layers, V /STOL aircraft aerodynamics, rotor dynamics and aerodynamics,.