The Fourth International Symposium on Neutron Induced Reactions was held at the Smolenice Castle, Czechoslovakia, June 17-21, 1985. It was sponsored by the European Physical Society and the Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists. The primary aim of the Symposium was to provide space for reports on developments in the field of nuclear reaction theory, studies of decay of unbound nuclear states excited by simple projectile as well as on methodical and instrumental progress in the low energy nuclear physics. Ample time was deliberately reserved for discussions and the exchange of ideas among the participants. Two committees have been involved in organizing the Sympo- sium: the International Advisory Committee has been advising on topics and selection of speakers and the Organizing Committee has taken a burden of ~sual daily work. The members of both committees are listed below. The International Advisory Committee: H. H. Barschall (USA), H. Feshbach (USA), J. Formanek (Czecho- slovak~a), I. M. Frank (USSR), E. Gadioli (Italy), M. K. Mehta (India), S. Raman (USA), I. Ribans,ky (Czechoslovakia), D. See- liger (GDR), C. Wagemans (Belgium), H. A. WeidemUller (FRG), Z.
Wilhelmi (Poland). The Organizing Committee: R. Antalik, E. B~tak, . Gmuca, S. Hlavaf, J. Kriitiak (Secre- tary), . Luby, p. Oblo~insky, J. Pivare, I. Ribansky, J. acha (all from the Institute of Physics, Electro-Physical Research xi Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava), J. Dobes (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Rez near Prague), I. Wilhelm (Charles University, Prague).