This book presents select proceedings of the 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power. It covers recent research developments in the area of fluid mechanics, measurement techniques in fluid flows, and computational fluid dynamics. The key research topics discussed in this book are fundamental studies in flow instability and transition, fluid-structure interaction, multiphase flows, solidification, melting, cavitation, porous media flows, bubble and droplet dynamics, bio-mems, micro-scale experimental techniques, flow control devices, underwater vehicles, bluff body, bio-fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, turbomachinery, propulsion and power, heat transfer and thermal engineering, fluids engineering, advances in aerospace and defence technology, micro- and nano-systems engineering, acoustics, structures and fluids, advanced theory and simulations, novel experimental techniques in thermos-fluids engineering, and many more. The book is a valuable reference for researchers and professionals interested in thermo-fluids engineering.