In this series, Rajiv Kohli and Kash Mittal have brought together the work of experts from different industry sectors and backgrounds to provide a state-of-the-art survey and best-practice guidance for scientists and engineers engaged in surface cleaning or dealing with the consequences of surface contamination.
This volume complements Volumes 3 and 4 of this series, which focused largely on particulate contaminants. The expert contributions in this volume cover methods for removal of non-particulate contaminants, such as metallic and non-metallic thin films, hydrocarbons, toxic and hazardous chemicals, and microbiological substances, as well as contamination monitoring in pharmaceutical manufacturing, and an innovative method for characterization at the nanoscale.
Feature: Comprehensive coverage of innovations in surface contamination and cleaning
Benefit: One-stop series where a wide range of readers will be sure to find a solution to their cleaning
problem, saving the time involved in consulting a range of disparate sources.
Feature: Written by established experts in the contamination and cleaning field
Benefit: Provides an authoritative resource
Feature: Each chapter is a comprehensive review of the state of the art.
Benefit: Can be relied on to provide insight, clarity and real expertise on up-to-the-minute
Feature: Case studies included
Benefit: Case studies help the reader see theory applied to the solution of real-world practical cleaning
and contamination problems.