analyzing the experimental data and constructing math.ematical models of the processes under study, one has to rely rather on the physical intuition than on the strict calculations. Now let us go one step higher and explain the main title of the book. The concepts of "laminary" and "turbulent" motions were first introduced in hydrodynamics. Since the old days these concepts have considerably broadened; now the laminar and the turbulent motions have been discovered and investigated at all levels of description of nonequilibrium processes in the open systems, from kinetics to reaction diffusion. In any case, one of the principal characteristics of the turbulent motion is the existence of a large number of well-developed macroscopic degrees of freedom. For this reason the turbulent motion is extremely complicated and to a large extent unpredictable. As the laminar and the turbulent flows play an important role in the processes of evolution in the open systems, and in particular, in the processes of self-organization, the need arises for assessing the relative degree of order of laminar and turbulent motions, and also for comparing the degree of order of various turbulent motions. Without being able to make such estimates it will be impossible to determine whether the evolution is going towards higher or towards lower organization when one turbulent state is replaced by another.