This volume contains the proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming,
held in Pisa, Italy, September 2-4, 1992. Like the two
previous conferences in Germany in 1988 and France in 1990,
the third conference aims at strengthening the connections
betweenalgebraic techniques and logic programming. On the
one hand, logic programming has been very successful during
the last decades and more and more systems compete in
enhancing its expressive power. On the other hand, concepts
like functions, equality theory, and modularity are
particularly well handled in an algebraic framework. Common
foundations of both approaches have recently been developed,
and this conference is a forum for people from both areas to
exchange ideas, results, and experiences. The book covers
the following topics: semantics ofalgebraic and logic
programming; integration of functional and logic
programming; term rewriting, narrowing, and resolution;
constraintlogic programming and theorem proving; concurrent
features in algebraic and logic programming languages; and
implementation issues.