Helsinki is a city uniquely shaped by seasons of light. At the height of summer the Finnish capital is flooded with endless light, as the sun shines around the clock. Music fills public parks and people sit outdoors in cafés and bars until late into the night. In sharp contrast, during the depths of winter there are just a few hours of natural light when the sun (on the days it chooses to shine) hovers above the horizon like an orange orb. But Helsinki is not a dark city. A strong culture of light illuminates the 464-year-old city throughout the year. Even during the darkest months, innovative lighting design and soft candlelight brighten up the Nordic city perched on the edge of the Baltic in between Sweden and Russia.
Helsinki by Light is a journey into the role of light in everyday Finnish life as told by leading designers, artists and other creative types. These include wellknown industrial designer Harri Koskinen; young Marimekko designer Aino-Maija Metsola; Artek design director and light designer Ville Kokkonen who tells the story of how Finland's best-known architect and designer Alvar Aalto used his obsession with light to create works of architectural art; and many, many others such as Tapio Rosenius, the mastermind behind Silo 468 in Helsinki's Kruunuvuorenranta, where the world's first residential district of light is being built. The book includes numerous sidebars with tips on where to go to and what to see in the Finnish capital from monuments to cafés, shops, and rooftop terraces. Helsinki by Light is intended to be a classic: a souvenir and gift, it's aimed at the modern traveller (whether from abroad or closer to home) who values a good story, gorgeous images and a bright perspective on Helsinki.
Helsinki by Light on ainutlaatuinen design-kirjan ja kaupunkioppaan yhdistelmä, joka esittelee Helsingin monipuolista valokulttuuria perinteisestä kynttilävalaistuksesta designvalaisimiin ja valofestivaaleihin. Helsinki näyttäytyy elinvoimaisena eri vuodenaikojen luonnonvalon ja urbaanin valaistuksen kontrastien kautta - keskikesän yöttömistä öistä talven pimeään sydämeen. Kansainvälisesti tunnetut suomalaiset muotoilijat kertovat teoksessa, miten pohjoisen kaupunkimme valot ovat inspiroineet heitä. Kirjan opastamana voi löytää Helsingin, sen kahvilat, baarit, designin ja nähtävyydet uudenlaisessa valossa. Helsinki by Light on englanninkielinen. Kirjan kuvat: Katja Pantzar.