This volume contains 6 invited lectures and 13 submitted
contributions to the scientific programme of the
international workshop Fundamentals of Artificial
Intelligence Research, FAIR '91, held at Smolenice Castle,
Czechoslovakia, September 8-12, 1991, under the sponsorship
of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial
Intelligence, ECCAI. FAIR'91, the first of an intended
series of international workshops, addresses issues which
belong to the theoretical foundations of artificial
intelligence considered as a discipline focused on concise
theoretical description of some aspects of intelligence by
toolsand methods adopted from mathematics, logic, and
theoretical computer science. The intended goal of the FAIR
workshops is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas
and results in a domain where theoretical models play an
essential role. It is felt that such theoretical studies,
their development and their relations to AI experiments and
applications have to be promoted in the AI research