Taking Care of Finances While Taking Care of a Loved One
Caregivers face a unique set of challenges, including managingmoney matters. This indispensable new guide provides a sound actionplan for overcoming this formidable hurdle, offering practicalinformation, helpful tips, and invaluable advice on how tosuccessfully juggle personal finances with the cost of caring for aloved one.
"A clear map through the many mazes of caregiving issues, withinformation on how they will affect the caregiver, the carerecipient, and their families. Guidance, good counsel, and help forall caregivers, from those thinking about caregiving to those juststarting and those who are veterans." --Louise G. Fradkin,cofounder, Children of Aging Parents.
"If you find yourself in the role of caregiver to a loved one, TheCost of Caring is an excellent tool. Not only do the authors gothrough the ABCs of what you need to do and when, they provide youwith specific resources that can help you each step of the way. Iwill highly recommend it to my clients." --Mark Spangler, CFP,Former Chairman of the Board, National Association of PersonalFinancial Advisors.