The idea of this colloquium was first put forward by Prof. P. Keenan when he visited the Centre de Donnees Stellaires, in September 1982. Dr. A. Florsch, Director of the Strasbourg Observatory, kindly accepted to field it at Strasbourg. The scientific organization of the colloquium was in charge of a Committee chaired by Prof. P.C. Keenan and composed by M. Feast, A. Florsch, B. Gustafsson, D. Harmer, M. Jaschek (secretary), R. McClure, A. Maeder, W. Straizys and T. Tsuji. The members of the Committee helped to translate the idea into a very successful meeting. It should be added that this colloquium was the first meeting devoted to late-type peculiar stars. The program was organized by sessions devoted to the following topics : taxonomy, photometric properties, distribution and space motions, chemical com- position, model atmosphere, binary systems and evolutionary tracks. Each session started with a review paper, followed by contributed papers presented as posters. The different sessions were chaired by W. Bidelman, R. Cayrel, Ch. Cowley, A. Heck, H.R. Johnson, J.P. Kaufmann and T. Tsuji, who did an excellent job.
The President of the "Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg", Prof. H. Duranton, welcomed the participants to the University where the sessions were held; Dr. A. Florsch welcomed the participation on be.balf of the French astrono- mical community and Prof. P. Keenan spoke on behalf on the Scientific Organizing Committee.