The anatomic structure of the vascular supply of the pelvis has long been the subject of study. Progress in angiography rendered it a valu able diagnostic aid. Nevertheless, angiography is finding new applica tions in combination with the technique of superselective catheteriza tion, opening the way for interventional angiography. Remarkable as this may prove, one must not overlook the difficulties involved, most of which essentially result from insufficient knowledge of the anatomic structure concerned: the pelvic arteries are particularly pro b lema tic owing to their complexity and multiple variations. For this reason we here attempt to chart precisely the course of each artery supplying the pelvis and to provide a synthetic study of the different vascular territories. The book is completed by some pathologic exam ples which illustrate the sometimes very important role of embolization in therapy. VII Acknowledgements This work has been produced in close collaboration with urologists, gynecologists, orthopedic surgeons, gastroitestinal surgeons, and neu rosurgeons. We would particularly like to thank all those who have referred their patients to us, and especially Prof. Kuss from the Depart ment of Urology, Hopital La Pitie, whose role in the realization of this book was crucial, and his colleagues, Prof. LE GUILLOU, Prof. JARDIN, and Prof. CHATELAIN. Others to whom we owe our thanks in the above respect are Prof. STEG and Prof. BoccoN-GmoD (Depart ment of Urology, Hopital Cochin); Prof. DUFOUR, Prof. CUKIER, and Dr. LEPAGE (Department of Urology, Hopital Necker); Prof.