This book contains a collection of papers that were presented at the IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Biological Tissue, which was held in Graz, A- tria,fromJune27toJuly2,2004.ThesettingofGrazwasveryappropriatefor the symposium since it is the city where such illustriousscientistsasJohannes Kepler, Ernst Mach, Ludwig Boltzmann, Erwin Schr. odinger and Otto Kratky spent parts of their lives, while the cultural life of Graz provided ample - portunity for complementing the scienti?c proceedings. Graz has an historic centre, which is one of the best preserved old town centres in Europe, and which was added to the UNESCO world cultural heritage list in 1999. Thesymposiumbroughttogether96participantsfromuniversities,research centres and clinics in 19 countries. There were 42 oral presentations, incl- ing 7 keynote lectures, and 15 poster presentations. The keynote lectures were given by P.B. Canham (University of Western Ontario, Canada), S.C. Cowin (City University of New York, USA), K. Hayashi (Osaka University, Japan), J.D. Humphrey (Texas A&M University, USA), P.J. Hunter (University of Auckland, New Zealand), R.S. Lakes (University of Wisconsin, USA), and P.D.
Richardson (Brown University, USA).