Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch)
Informal art developed into the dominant art movement in Europe from the early 1950s to the early 1960s. The art historical view of this art movement, which is detached from classical principles of form and design, has so far mostly focused on its male representatives. The volume now takes a new look at the art of Informel and honors high-profile positions by 16 female artists. In addition to well-known names such as Maria Lassnig, Brigitte Meier-Denninghoff, Judit Reigl and Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, long-forgotten artists are being rediscovered. Using art-sociological questions about networks, participation in exhibitions and reception, the mechanisms of the art world are also investigated.
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Exhibitions “Forgotten artistic positions of the 50s and 60s”
Neue Galerie Kassel: 11.10.2024 – 26.1.2025
Kunsthalle Schweinfurt: 20.2.2025 – 22.6.2025
Emil Schumacher Museum, Hagen: 31.08.2025 – 11.01.2026