This text is a brief introduction to fundamental concepts of transport p- nomena within a ?uid, namely momentum, heat and mass transfer. The - phasis of the text is placed upon a basic, systematic approach from the ?uid mechanics point of view, in conjunction with a uni?ed treatment of transport phenomena. In order to make the book useful for students, there are numerous - amples. Each chapter presents a collection of proposed problems, whose so- tions can be found in the Problem Solutions Appendix. Also the Self Eva- ation chapter gathers exercises from exams, so readers and students can test their understanding of the subject. Most of the content can be taught in a course of 45 hours and has been employed in the course Transport Phenomena in Chemical Engineering at the Centro Polit' ecnico Superior of the University of Zaragoza. The text is aimedatbeginnersinthesubjectoftransportphenomenaand?uidmechanics, emphasizing the foundations of the subject. Thetextisdividedintofourparts:Fundamentals,ConservationPrinciples, DimensionalAnalysis;TheoryandApplications,andTransportPhenomenaat Interfaces. In the ?rst part, Fundamentals, basic notions on the subject are int- duced: de?nition of a ?
uid, preliminary hypothesis for its mathematical tre- ment, elementary kinematics, ?uid forces, especially the concept of pressure, and ?uid statics. In the Conservation Principles part, the conservation equations that g- ern transport phenomena are presented and explained, both in integral and di?erentialform.Emphasisisplacedonpracticalapplicationsofintegraleq- tions. Also, constitutive equations for transport by di?usion are contained in this part.