Midfacial Rejuvenation is a comprehensive review of the majority of procedures and options for midfacial aesthetic and corrective surgery. Each contributor offers a unique approach to the midfacial area, with detailed specifics for every technique. Chapters on midfacial anatomy, complications and their management complete the comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, resulting in a reference text that will benefit every practitioner dealing with the midfacial region.
· One of the first books to focus exclusively on the midfacial area
· Highly illustrated and with clear, step-by-step instructions on performing a variety of midface lifts, implants, sutures, grafts, and fillers
· Over 300 full color images
· Includes in-depth chapters on midfacial anatomy and the anatomic basis of aging
· Multiple approaches to midfacial rejuvenation by well-known surgeons in fields such asoculoplastics, facial plastics, general plastics, and dermatologists