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This book is written in honour of Paul Demaret, an exceptional academic who has made a significant contribution to the development of European Law and more generally European Integration. It is dedicated to him as he finishes his second term as Rector of the College of Europe. In this book, his colleagues and friends, fellow academics and practitioners, will analyze the current state and future perspectives of the various dimensions - both internal and external - of European legal integration. The contributions included cover inter alia fundamental rights protection and EU citizenship, institutional aspects of European integration, the internal market and its flanking policies, EU competition law and practice, external aspects of EU integration, international trade and foreign policy.
Le present ouvrage rend hommage au Professeur Paul Demaret, un universitaire exceptionnel qui a contribue de maniere tres significative au developpement du droit europeen et de l'integration europeenne de maniere plus generale, a l'occasion de l'achevement de son deuxieme mandat de Recteur du College d'Europe. Ses amis et collegues, universitaires et praticiens, analysent l'etat et les perspectives de nombreux aspects - internes et externes - du droit et de l'integration europeenne. Les contributions couvrent notamment la protection des droits de l'homme et la citoyennete europeenne, les aspects institutionnels de l'integration europeenne, le marche interieur europeen et ses politiques d'accompagnement, le droit et la politique de la concurrence, les aspects exterieurs de l'integration europeenne, le commerce international et la politique etrangere de l'Union europeenne.