This first volume in a series is intended to provide up-to-date information on specific topics in oils and fats. The book will be especially valuable for any practising scientist or technologist who deals in any way with oils and fats whether from a nutritional, surfactant, cosmetic or analytical chemistry point of view. In addition there is sufficient depth in most of the articles to catch the imagination of many more senior managers in the industry. The oils and fats industry is closely aligned with the food industry and it is no surprise to find that five of the chapters (1, 2, 3, 6 and 7) are written from a food perspective. The current arguments about diets and their fat content are well developed in Dr Enser's chapter on meat lipids. He has presented a very balanced picture explaining that there are many reports which contradict the fashionable 'saturated fatty acids are bad' theory. This chapter will do much to illustrate the dietary implications of meat lipids and should stimulate discussion and further research.