7 1. THE LIVER IN NORMAL PREGNANCY 9 Liver palpation...9 Spider angiomas and palmar erythema 9 Histological changes in liver biopsies 10 Liver blood flow ...10 Hemoglobin and serum iron ...11 Total leucocyte and differential count. 11 Prothrombin time 11 Urinary bile components 11 Serum bilirubin ...11 Bromsulfalein retention . 12 Galactose tolerance test . 12 Serum alkaline phosphatase 12 Serum transaminases and other enzymes . 13 Serum cholesterol and serum lipids ...14 Total serum proteins and serum electrophoresis 14 Serum turbidity and flocculation tests 15 Conclusions ...15 II. JAUNDICE DURING PREGNANCY ...* . * 17 1) Incidence of jaundice durip. g pregnancy 17 2) Classification of jaundice during pregnancy 17 3) Frequency distribution of different diseases causing jaundice during pregnancy ...'. 20 4) Review of literature on jaundice during pregnancy . . 23 Infectious hepatitis during pregnancy ...23 Susceptability of pregnant women to viral hepatitis 23 Incidence of hepatitis in relation to stage of pregnancy 25 Mortality from hepatitis during pregnancy . 26 Clinical course of hepatitis during pregnancy ...27 Sequellae from hepatitis during pregnancy ...2
8 Child survival from mothers with hepatitis during pregnancy 29 Transplacentar infection with hepatitis virus and incidence of malformation in babies of mothers with hepatitis during pr- nancy...30 Jaundice in liver cirrhosis during plegnancy ...31 Drug-induced intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy ...32 Obstructive jaundice due to choledocholithiasis during pregnancy 33 Effect of pregnancy in chronic idiopathic hyperbilirubinemias (Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome, Gilbert-Meul- gracht syndrome) ...