Obstetricians and pediatricians in daily practice will find
here the answersand explanations they need concerning the
major problem of perinatal asphyxia. Leading experts in
pediatrics, obstetrics and neurophysiology havecome
together to produce a single sourcebook covering all aspects
of thesubject. Biochemical mechanisms and clinical aspects
of perinatal asphyxia, fetal and neonatal assessment, and
perinatal management are thoroughly discussed.
Neurodevelopmental outcome is another important issue
addressed. In light of newer technologies, the prognosis of
infants suffering from asphyxia is examined.
Many figures and typicalcases are provided, making the book
easy to use and providing quick access to solutions. The
reader can easily identify a problem in the fetus and its
subsequent development. With such knowledge, the improved
managementof perinatal asphyxia is made possible.