Cracking the OCA Java 7 Programmer Certification exam is not easy. Finding the right book for the job-one that is comprehensive, yet concise is the first step to achieving a successful outcome.
OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I Certification Guide covers every topic needed for the 1Z0-803 exam. Each chapter zeros in on key points and uses visual aids, hands-on activities, and sample questions and explanations to ensure maximum retention. There is also a complete practice exam that will allow readers to pinpoint any remaining areas of weakness. After working through this book, readers will have the know-how and confidence to pass the exam with a score they can be proud of.
This book is written for developers with a working knowledge of Java who want to earn the OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I Certification.
The Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Java SE 7 measures day-to-day programming and the ability to handle typical situations found in a variety of projects.