According to Apple, there are currently 380,000 registered iOS developers and over a billion iOS devices in use worldwide. Swift, the language of iOS development, is the fastest growing programming language.
iOS Development with Swift is a hands-on guide to creating apps for iPhone and iPad using the Swift language. It starts by giving a birdseye view of how an iOS application works and what it takes to build one. With the basics well in hand, the book takes readers through progressively more challenging examples as they learn how to design iOS apps, build good layouts, handle navigation, and interact with the device’s camera.
Key Features:
· Hands-on guide to creating apps
· Teaches the very basics
· Rich in examples
Written for readers with experience using a language like Java, Python, or C#. No prior iOS development or Swift experience required.
About the Technology:
Swift is a modern language created by Apple. In 2015 Swift was rated the most loved programming language on Stack Overflow, and it is currently ranked 17 in the programming language rankings guide of January 2016.