Kadushin's Behavioral Neuroscience Dictionary
Frederick S. Kadushin
Massachusetts Neurobehavioral Institute
Developed over 15 years, Kadushin's Behavioral Neuroscience Dictionary is the field's most complete descriptive lexicon to date, with over 12,000 terms spanning neuropsychology, neurology, neuroanatomy, psychology, psychiatry, and the rehabilitation specialties-over 300 phobias are described, more than 100 diagnostic tests, and more than 500 drugs. By placing all entries in their clinical context, the author shows readers how the words are used by practitioners; except for some older terms included for historical purposes, this is the living language of neuroscience.
Kadushin's offers keys to fluency, leading to better retention of study and research materials, clearer communication with colleagues and clients, greater transparency in report writing and record keeping. Topics covered in its entries include:
Neurologic, psychiatric, and behavioral disorders, diseases, signs, and symptoms.
Neuroanatomical structures.
Diagnostic, assessment, and other clinical procedures.
Neurologic and psychiatric medications
Therapies, treatment modalities, and rehabilitation methods.
Plus frequently encountered terms not in current use, to aid readers in understanding the research and practice literature.
As a study aid and a professional reference, Kadushin's Behavioral Neuroscience Dictionary is of invaluable service to a wide audience, including clinical and neuropsychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, radiologists, physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, physician's assistants, and nurses. Professionals who interface with these fields, such as rehabilitation counselors, case managers, social workers, claims examiners, and attorneys, should find it useful as well.