The present voLume finaLizes the coverage of mononucLear organocopper compounds with Ligands bonded by one carbon atom. As structuraL eLucidation has not yet received much attention in organocopper chemistry and the aggregation of most products is unknown, the term" mononucLear" has been used as expLained in .. Organocopper Compounds" 1, pp. 3/4. Compounds with aLkyL, aLkenyL, and aryL Ligands have aLready been described in VoL- umes 1 (pubLished in 1985) and 2 (pubLished in 1983). The present VoLume 3 contains aLL compounds with aLkynyL, carbonyL, isocyanide, and additionaL Ligands bonded by one carbon atom. The Largest part of this voLume deaLs with copper acetyLides which are wideLy used as reagents in organic syntheses aLthough many of them are onLy poorLy characterized. For abbreviations and dimensions used throughout this voLume, see p. X. Frankfurt, September 1986 Johannes FusseL Remarks on Abbreviations and Dimensions Most compounds and reagents in this volume are presented in tables. Unless otherwise stated, they are arranged in the tables according to the numbers of C atoms in the empirical formula.
For the sake of conciseness, some abbreviations are used and some dimensions are omitted in the tables. This necessitates the following clarification. Geometrie isomers are designated according to the IUPAC rules. Structural labels are missing when authors fail to report structural details. Temperatures are given in C, otherwise K stands for Kelvin. Abbreviations used with temperatures are m.p. for melting point, b.p. for boiling point, and dec. for decomposition.
Editor-in-chief: Johannes Füssel