Dr Fagan talks about the "Miracles of an Alkalizing Diet" The human body is composed of various organs and parts, which are made up of tissues and cells.The balance or equilibrium of these chemical elements in the body is an essential factor in the maintenance of health and healing of disease.learn more about raw juice therapy as a method of treatment of disease for various common ailments. "CayJam's Caribbean Juice Medley" is a list of raw juice recipes which can be used for many common ailments and diseases. Constipation is the chief cause of many diseases, such condition produces toxins which find their way into the blood stream through the wall of the colon and are carried to all parts of the body. Learn more about colon therapy and the danger of acidosis and how it is the breeding ground for most diseases, like rheumatism, ageing, weight gain, yeast, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, joint pain and various degenerative diseases. www.healthysolutionsbiz.com