The genetic work that has been carried out with volume, and especially in Section V 'Germplasm crop plants indicates that many nutritional charac- resources and creation of genotypes for specific teristics are independently inherited and could be environmental including low input systems', is selected for a breeding program. evident. This can be considered as genuine progress This volume presents the proceedings of the in the direction of an effective use of nutrients by 'Third International Symposium on Genetic plants. Aspects of Plant Mineral Nutrition' held in We look forward to more advances in our un- Braunschweig 1988, and demonstrates the wide derstanding of the mechanisms involved in the acceptance that cultivars respond differently to nutrient efficiency of crop plants and in the nutritional and stress factors. An improved re- development and improvement of screening sponse of cultivars to nutrients and stress con- techniques at the Fourth Symposium to be held in ditions is accessible via screening, selection and Australia in 1991. breeding of the available plant genetic resources and will help to reduce the inputs and to protect the N. EI Bassam environment. M.Dambroth The contribution of the plant breeders in this B.
c. Loughman XI N. El Bassam et al. (Eds.), Genetic aspects a/plant mineral nutrition, 1-7. PLSO PN 122 (c) 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers.