The sixth Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics was held at the Campus of the University of Rochester during the three-day period June 26-28, 1989. This Conference was a sequel to five earlier meetings in this series, held in 1960, 1966, 1972, 1977 and 1983. The latest meeting was by far the largest. There were 327 registrants from 26 different countries. Altogether 252 papers were presented in 45 sessions. There were also 22 poster papers. This volume contains an abbreviated version of most of the papers presented at the meeting. The Conference was organized by a Program Committee consisting of the following: F.T. Arecchi (Istit. Naz. d'Ott., Firenze) N. Bloembergen (Harvard U.) C. Cohen-Tannoudji (Ecole Normale Superieure) H. Haken (U. Stuttgart) S. Haroche (Yale and Ecole Normale Supeneure) A.L. Schawlow (Stanford U.) C.R. Stroud, Jr. (U. of Rochester) D.F. Walls (U. of Auckland) H. Walther (Max-Planck-Inst. and U. MUnchen) J.H. EberlY] L. Mandel Joint Secretaries (U. of Rochester) E.
Wolf v The Conference was sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, by the Optical Society of America, by the American Physical Society and by the University of Rochester. We wish to use this opportunity to thank all of the sponsors for their support.