Southern Africa has significant natural wealth in rural areas, which drives socioeconomic development and fosters diversification in economies in tourism communities. However, this industry faces increasing threats from climate change, which disproportionally affects the sustainable development of nations in this region. This volume showcases research on the impact of climate change and sustainable development goals discourse in rural and tourism-protected areas. Divided into two parts, the introduction sets the stage for evolving narratives and developments in nature-based tourism and climate change. Part 1 discusses topical issues related to tourism and climate change, while Part 2 deliberates on aspects related to rural tourism and social discourses in the era of climate change. The concluding chapter delves into building inclusive and tourism resilience in an era of climate change as it synthesizes the practical implications, recommendations and limitations from this collection. Insights from this book will benefit tourism businesses, community members, and local governments with guidelines on how to fast-track strategy adoption and promote community cohesion.