Despite its economic usefulness, biodiversity of Asian hive bee Apis cerana is suffering precipitous decline and is threatened with extinction in its entire native habitat. Although a number of publications have appeared on honeybees in the market no attempt has been made to approach the subject in systematically and in a comprehensive manner in case of Apis cerana. There is still not enough knowledge on different facets of biological conservation, agricultural production and role in improving food security and livelihoods. An attempt has been made in this book to fill the gap by providing detailed information on different aspects of Apis cerana leading to sustainability and environmental protection. This book discusses information on varied aspects of Apis cerana biology, biogeography, reproduction, genetics, molecular phylogeny, interaction with other species, floral resources, dance language, safety from pesticides, management problems, loss of genetic diversity, behavioural defence, role in food production, livelihood security and conservation strategies for protecting biodiversity and enhancing crop productivity. The compilation of this book is unique in the sense that in the context of pollinator decline over the world, conservation of this species will be a step for sustaining food security.