This book covers Ehlers-Danlos and hypermobility syndromes with an emphasis on treatment of the parasympathetic and sympathetic (P&S) nervous system dysfunctions. Unfortunately, most EDS/HSD patients have been misdiagnosed and misunderstood by providers. EDS/HSD is a multisystem, multifaceted disorder that is poorly understood. The P&S manifestations and treatments are also poorly understood throughout the healthcare community. To this end the authors wish to teach providers and patients alike to reduce the life-long suffering from both the disorder and the marginalization.
There are two aspects of teaching that are required and provided by this book: improved understanding of EDS/HSD and improved understanding of P&S (autonomic) dysfunction and treatment. For example, with the autonomic nervous system, more treatment or therapy is never better. Relief of P&S dysfunction must be low and slow to prevent causing more symptoms from higher doses of medication or polypharmacy. To this end, stress often sets patients back and both providers and patients alike must have proper expectations set for successfully improving patient outcomes (quality of life and productivity).
The book starts with an introduction to and history of the disorder. Chapter II provides a review of the genetics of collagen, the source of the disorders. Chapters III through IX detail the various forms of EDS/HSD and goes into more detail on the more common and more well-known variants of EDS/HSD. Chapter X discusses structural cardiovascular and pulmonary dysfunction associated with EDS/HSD. Chapter XI discusses structural gastrointestinal and urogenital dysfunction associated with EDS/HSD. The book ends with Chapter XII, which details the involvement of the P&S nervous systems and how to treat, which also has general application to other chronic disorders.
This is an ideal guide for rheumatologists and primary care physicians treating patients with Ehlers-Danlos and hypermobility syndromes, and patients and their loved ones in understanding their disease and disorders and the associated treatments and therapies.