, Today the diagnosis of malignant diseases and determination of the causes of lymphoedema are iconce n ivable without lymphography. The radiologist now has a new method of examination at his disposal which offers him broad new diagnostic possibilities; on the other hand however, it also demands of him a thorough knowledge of the topographical anatomy. histology and physiology of the lymphatic system, the effects of contrast fluids and the appearance of com plications, as well as an extensive clinical knowledge of every possible disease of the lymphatic system. The Atlas in question is a survey of this new branch of science. The author is a pioneer in the field of lymphography. He has contributed to its development: the improvement nd a detailed refinement of technique and diag nosis was his special hobby. In particular he compared and evaluated selective supplementary roemgenological examination mth e ods in lymphography in large patient series. With singular intensity he or wked on the possibllities and limitations of the visualization of tumour metastases. This Atlas is based on ten years of experience. Its special value lies in the possibility of rapid orientation as well as a precise representation of lymphography as radiological method of examination. Dr. Tom de Roo has thus attained the objectives he had sct for this book and, within the field of radiological methods of examination, he has accorded lym phography the position and recognition it deserves.