PThis book integrates the mathematics of data mining with its applications, offering the reader a reference to the mathematical tools required for data mining./P
PDedicated to the study of set-theoretical foundations of data mining, this book is focused on set theory and several closely related areas: partially ordered sets and lattice theory, metric spaces and combinatorics. The book is structured into 4 parts and presents a comprehensive discussion of the subject./P
PFeatures and topics include: - Study of functions and relations, - Applications are provided throughout, - Presents graphs and hypergraphs, - Covers partially ordered sets, lattices and Boolean algebras, - Finite partially ordered sets, - Focuses on metric spaces, - Includes combinatorics, - Discusses the theory of the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of collections of sets./P
PIntended as a reference for the working data miner and researchers, a good knowledge of calculus is required to make the best use of this book, which will prove a useful reference./P