This book addresses key issues across the field of sustainable urban planning, and provides a unique reference tool for planners, engineers, architects, public administrators, and other experts. The evolution of cities and communities is giving rise to pressing energy and environmental problems that demand concrete solutions. In this context, urban planning is inevitably a complex activity that requires a sound analytical interpretation of ongoing developments, multidisciplinary analysis of the available tools and technologies, appropriate political management, and the ability to monitor progress objectively in order to verify the effectiveness of the policies implemented.
This book is exceptional in both the breadth of its coverage and its focus on the interactions between different elements. Individual sections focus on strategies and tools for green planning, energy efficiency and sustainability in city planning, sustainable mobility, rating systems, and the smart city approach to improving urban-scale sustainability. The authors draw on their extensive practical experience to provide operational content supplementing the theoretical and methodological elements covered in the text, and each section features informative case studies.