There is something mysterious surrounding hormones, women never quite get the concrete answers they are looking for. They get blood screenings, scans, squabs, scraps and smears, and they all come back negative, even though they intuitively know there is something wrong. We must be missing something important when it comes to hormones, and after 15 years of working with women as a holistic practitioner, Linda Crockett has found solutions to this hormonal dilemma. Hormonal conditions today are treated on a very physical level, with either synthetic hormones or organ removal. What is missing then, in our understanding of hormonal conditions is that they are not only of the physical level, but are governed by emotions and driven by the spirit of women. When treatment dismisses the emotional and spiritual aspects of women's lives, healing of hormonal conditions remains unattainable.Through reading each chapter of this book women get to explore all aspects of themselves, bringing an approachable understanding to their physical symptoms, recognizing the hidden emotional origins of their hormonal conditions, and finding the solutions to their health problems.
This book is written with enough intellect to get the science right, with the intuitive knowledge to have the readers nod in acknowledgement, and with the wisdom needed to bring healing.