This unique collection of chapters takes the reader on a tour to explore innovative preservice and inservice teacher education practices from many regions of the United States, Canada and the world. Each of the chapters offers an authentic, documentary account of successful initiatives that break the traditional mold of teacher education. Section I presents unique preservice teacher preparation programs and initiatives. These chapters offer compelling ideas to readers who seek change in the higher education model of teacher training. Section II features inservice education for both the novice and veteran teacher. The chapters included in this section of the book offer stories of innovation as professional development initiatives. Each of the programs describes the setting or context in which the innovation takes place and focuses on the role of teachers and students. Chapters in Section III highlight the benefits of collaborative teacher education practices. Through the lens of community and with the tools of cooperation and support, innovative practices are described for the improvement of student learning. Section IV offers less commonly presented diverse, global perspectives on teacher education. The sharing of ideas through global examples highlight the similarities in educational practices and common goals across the world.
Contributions by: Liz Barber, Harriet J. Bessette, Tasha Bleistein, Lace Marie Brogden, Valerie B. Brown-Schild, Julie Causton-Theoharis, Lorenzo Cherubini, Ethel Chikapa, Anne Chodakowski, Charles R. Coble, Soria E. Colomer, James Cope, Joseph Corriero, Jacqueline Darvin, Kieran Egan, Andrew Ferdinandi, Doug Fisher, Mary Ellen Freeley, Thomas R. Guskey, Thomas Hamilton, Victoria Hasko, Lisa B. Hibler, Yi-Ping Huang, Patricia A. Jennings, Beauty Kafuna, Lucy Kapenuka, Laura R. Kates, Tod Kenney, Dawn Kirby, Diane Lapp, Corey S. Mackenzie, Ian Matheson, Mairi McAra, Morva McDonald, Sheryl L. McGlamery, Catherine McTamaney, Brian Mosleley, Liveness Mwanza, Ausman Ngwali, Jana Noel, Amy Palmeri, Nita A. Paris, Susan K. Parry, Paul Pedota, BethA Peery, Patricia A. Poulin, Traci Redish, Lynn Romeo, Tao Rui, Twyla Salm, Mirriam Sherriff, Saundra L. Shillingstad, Elizabeth A. Skinner, Peter Smagorinsky, Geoffrey B. Soloway, Cherry O. Steffen, George Theoharis, Sharon Walpole, Mark Warner, ThomasDeVere Wolsey, James D. Worsley, Miguel Zavala, Ken Zeichner, Chifundo Ziyaya