This book highlights reviews, perspectives, and original research that contribute to the advanced interdisciplinary studies of theories, technologies, and strategies on THz sensing, biophysics, communications, and bio-effect research. The terahertz (THz) frequency covers a spectrum important for applications such as body security, non-destructive matter sensing, bio-imaging, and bio-medicine. It overlaps with the characteristic fingerprints of molecular vibrations and rotations (e.g., proteins and DNA) and thus could resonantly interact with various bio-matters. The 2021 Nobel Prize in medicine was granted for the discovery of ion channels of temperature and pressure sensing. The frequency of THz makes it absorbable for bio-effect and modulation of bio-molecules, especially for ion channels. Besides, the high-speed modulation in terahertz is a holy grail for integrated photonics in high-capacity computations. This topic has raised widespread interest in fundamental science and applications for THz. The proceedings are suitable for researchers and students interested in interdisciplinary research at the intersection of electromagnetics, physics, and life sciences.