P. Bedeschi ture-dislocations, and Monteggia lesions. This is the second volume in the mono- graphic series Current Coneepts in Orthopae- Each chapter is interesting because it re- die Surgery, published with customary distin- flects an important personal experience and ction by Aulo Gaggi, under the direction of contains an honest critical evaluation of the the Institute of Clinical Orthopaedics and results. Traumatology of the U niversity of Modena. The two following chapters give an upda- The subject of this text, "Traumatic lesions ted analysis of the neural and vascular com- of the elbow", is very current and we believe it plications of elbow trauma from a pathogene- worthy of more attention than it has received tic, clinical, and therapeutic standpoint. in re cent years. The next chapter is an update on nonu- The text begins with a chapter on the phy- nions of the elbow with special reference to siopathology of the elbow, which is important therapeutic problems. because of some interesting links between The difficulty of long-term evaluation of trauma and functional damage as weil as bet- treatment of radial head fractures is examined ween some traumatic lesions and consequent in two interesting chapters that describe the treatment.
long-term results of radial head resection and Next are two important chapters on over- prosthetic replacement.
Translated by: Amy Warr