This book includes the proceedings of the 2nd International Meeting on Cur- rent Therapy in Nephrology held in Sorrento, Italy, May 22-25, 1988. The book provides a comprehensive update on new therapeutic strategies in the broad field of Nephrology. The reader will receive information on advances in treatment of glomerulonephritis, new dialysis techniques and progress in renal transplantation. In addition, sections deal with provocative experimental ap- proaches to treating renal disease. Topics include: cyclosporine in treatment of nephrotic syndrome, plasma ex- change in ARF, treatment of beta-2 microglobulin amyloidosis, nutritional of dialytic adequacy revisited after assessment in patients on RDT, standards development of biocompatible membranes, drug interaction with cyclosporine, renal transplantation in elderly recipients, and renal transplantation with elderly donors. A special effort was made to recruit contributors among the most important scientific authorities in their respective fields: we are grateful to Drs. Cameron, Lamm, Isemberg, Meyrier, Niaudet, Brynger, Lundgren, Fauchald, Cockburn, Gotch, Kopple, Cheung and Horl for having accepted our invitation.
We are also indebted to all other authors who participated in the meeting and submitted their original papers for publication. I.