A detailed 3-step plan to achieving weight loss, preventing disease and enhancing health through micronutrient (vitamin, mineral and fatty acid) sufficiency. This version includes updated research on whether the extremely popular Paleo and Primal diets can deliver the minimum recommended daily intake of the essential vitamins and minerals. Now in full color, high gloss pages that make the science and stories burst off the page similarly to popular magazines. Naked calories now lists the Caltons own Fab 14 and Terrible Twenty list. This shopping guide helps consumers save money on produce while steering them clear of pesticides and GMOs. Now includes research on how many of today's foods and cleaning supplies contain toxin ingredients that can burden the body by further depleting essential micronutrients. This new text researches how to prevent toxic load through the use proper supplementation. Naked calories discuss the Caltons reinvention of the multivitamin that reversed Mira Caltons advanced osteoporosis. An updated micronutrient sufficiency quiz The new foreword is by Diane Sanfillipo, New York Times bestselling author of Practical Paleo.