For the past several years veteran hockey mom Christie Casciano's monthly Hockey Mom columns have been required reading for the half million readers of USA Hockey Magazine. Drawing on her twenty years in the youth hockey trenches, she brings a wit and wisdom that comes with spending countless hours in the rink. Mixing in a little cutting humor and some good old-fashioned motherly advice, her articles speak to and for grizzled veterans and newcomers to the sport alike. My Kids Play Hockey is a compilation of Christie's work. Some of her topics include: Back to School, Back to Hockey: Getting Ready for a Fresh Season
How to Act Like an Adult at a Youth Hockey Game
Organizing Your Hockey Household
Valuable Lessons Learned during a Losing Season
Striking a Balance between being Coach and a Parent Whether your kid shoots a puck, kicks a soccer ball or swings a baseball bat, Christie's sound and sage advice should be required reading for all sports parents. Because when it comes to keeping your head in the game, this mother definitely knows best.