John Breeding, author of The Wildest Colts Make The Best Horses, does it again! In this bold new work, Breeding inspires us to remember the wondrous true nature of our children. He points out where we have gone wrong, and he shows us a better way. Breeding says that we care for children according to our understanding. If we understand children to be inherently violent, we can expect to be struggling to tame violent urges from here on. If we forget that children are born with an insatiable curiosity and absorbent minds, and instead think we need to use reward and punishment to make them learn, then we get a system that creates dumb, unmotivated students. If we believe that failures in adjustment are due to biologically based "mental illnesses" like "attention deficit disorder, " then we end up with millions of our precious children on toxic drugs. This book will help to clean these distorted mirrors of perception. The inherent nature of our children includes vast intelligence, unbridled zest and open-hearted loving. When we understand just how awesome and wonderful our precious children are, we can relax, and trust, and see them through the eyes of delight.