This volume includes chapters originally presented at the 3rd FELASA Symposium, held in Amsterdam, June 1-5, 1987. Special topics were "Immune Deficiency Syndromes in Man and Animals", "DNA Technology and Laboratory Animal Science", "Interactions of Behaviour, Housing and Welfare", and "Laboratory Animals as Models in Biomedical Research". In addition, there was a great number of presentations concerning other aspects of laboratory animal science. We would like to thank the following persons for organizing the Symposium. Mrs. M.A.G. Kuipers, M.Sc., President FELASA Mrs. V. Baumans, D.V.M., Ph.D., Secretary FELASA P. de Vrey, D.V.M., Treasurer Mrs. I. Zaalmink, Organizing and Scientific Secretariat. The editors would also like to express their gratitude to all the participants and authors for their contribution to this succesful symposium. A.C. Beynen, Ph.D., Secretary Scientific Committee H.A. Solleveld, Ph.D.,
Chairman Scientific Committee FELASA Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations Gesellschaft fUr Versuchstierkunde/Society for Laboratory Animal Science Laboratory Animal Science Association Nederlandse Vereniging voor Proefdierkunde Scandinavian Federation for Laboratory Animal Science Societe Fran9aise d'Experimentation Animale VII CONTENTS Contributors ...xiii OPENING ADDRESS: THE FUTURE OF LABORATORY ANIMAL USE R.J. Samsom ...