CONCUR'93 : 4th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Hildesheim, Germany, August 23-26, 1993. Proceedings
This volume contains the proceedings of CONCUR '93, the
fourth in an annual series of conferences devoted to the
study of concurrency. The basic aim of the CONCUR
conferences is to communicate advances in concurrency theory
and applications.
The volume contains 31 papers selected from 113submissions,
together with four invited papers and two abstracts of
invited talks. The invited talks are: "The lambda-calculus
with multiplicities" (extended abstract) by G rard Boudol,
"A pi-calculus semantics for an object-based design
notation" by Cliff B. Jones, "Partial-order methods for
temporal verification" by Pierre Wolper and Patrice
Godefroid, "Non-interleaving process algebra" by Jos C.M.
Baetenand Jan A. Bergstra, "Loop parallelization in the
polytope model" by Christian Lengauer, and "Structured
operational semantics for process algebras and equational
axiom systems" (abstract) by Bard Bloom.