The great majority of papers on brain research that have been published in Mainland China in recent years have appeared in the Chinese language (only a small fraction of the work has appeared in English in the journal Scientia Sinica), and hence they have remained inacces sible to other workers, since there have been no translation programs of publications in this field in Chinese of the types that have existed, for example, for Russian-language materials. Accordingly, most investigators are not aware of the work of their Chinese colleagues in this field. Yet the field has been an active if small one in China, and has covered a variety of topics that include electrophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neuropsychology, and in strumentation. Standard techniques and instruments, a number of Chinese manufacture, have been employed. Moreover, Chinese workers have been quite familiar with the publications of other investigators, as is readily apparent from the bibliographies of the papers (see Index).