This book presents 53 selected papers focused on Deep Learning and Large Language Models from the 14th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2023) and 13th World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2023), which was held in five different cities namely Olten, Switzerland; Porto, Portugal; Kaunas, Lithuania; Greater Noida, India; Kochi, India and in online mode. The 23rd International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (IBICA-WICT 2023) was focusing on synergistic combinations of multiple approaches to develop the next generation of bio-inspired computing and ICT systems. IBICA-WICT 2023 had contributions by authors from 36 countries. This book offers a valuable reference guide for all scientists, academicians, researchers, students, and practitioners focused on advanced machine learning including deep learning methods, large language models, and its real-world applications.