Through advanced research, the medical community now has a wide array of techniques, state-of-the-art tools, and knowledge that greatly enhance their ability to diagnose and treat illness. Despite these advances, the root cause of illness continues to mystify and challenge individuals in one form or another.
While stricken with a life-threatening illness, Dr. Frederick Bailes observed unhealthy emotional traits in himself and others that were deeply seeded not in the physical symptoms, but in the harmful emotions created by the human mind.
"Whatever the basic fear-pattern, the fact remains that the real illness is not so much the outward physical manifestation as the underlying mental state," says Bailes. "It follows that any remedial action directed only at the physical form will leave the fundamental cause untouched . . . the health-seeker must now learn how to erase the destructive thought-pattern before they can hope to eradicate the physical illness."
The logic is simple: If the mind can create certain thought-patterns that result in illness, the mind can therefore also create certain thought-patterns that can lead to and maintain wellness. The words of Dr. Frederick Bailes have been studied for generations by countless New Thought followers around the world, but the impact of his work is now being re-discovered as medical professionals, researchers, and mainstream media echo his sentiments and awaken to this healing philosophy.