This publication reports the proceedings of a one-day seminar on The Application and Numerical Solution of Integral Equations held at the Australian National University on Wednesday, November 29, 1978. It was organized by the Computing Research Group, Australian National University and the Division of Mathematics and Statistics, CSIRO. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr M.L. Dow was unable to participate. At short notice, Professor D. Elliott reviewed Cauchy singular integral equations, but a paper on same is not included in these proceedings. The interested reader is referred to the recent translation of V.V. Ivanov, The Theory of Approximate Methods and their Application to the Numerical Solution of Singular Integral Equations, Noordhoff International Publishers, Leyden, 1976. An attempt was made to structure the program to the extent that the emphasis was on the numerical solution of integral equations for which known applications exist along with explanations of how and why integral equation formalisms arise. In addition, the programme reflected the broad classification of most integral equations as either singular or non singular, as either Fredholm or Volterra and as either first or second kind.