Contemporary International Law Issues: Sharing Pan-European and American Perspectives is the record of the First Joint Conference of The American Society of International Law and the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht, which was held in The Hague, The Netherlands on July 4-6, 1991. At this event international scholars, practitioners and experts gathered to discuss the latest developments in such areas as trade and investment, the environment, human rights, settlement of disputes and commercial arbitration, with particular reference to the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, and the European Community. The conference focused especially on Pan-European perspectives on current international legal issues. The content of these Proceedings is evidence of the wide range of dialogue that occurred during the Joint Conference. The book provides a record of this dialogue and directs the reader to issues which might form suitable subjects for further research and elaboration in other scholarly work.
The book will be of interest to academics and diplomats, as well as legal practitioners.