If you are an approved Emergency Care & Safety Institute Education Center, you may want to purchase First Aid, CPR and AED Guide with ECSI Course Completion Card.If you are not currently associated with an ECSI center, you can save as much as 50% compared to other national training organizations. Learn more at ecsinstitute.orgBased on current Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Guidelines and scientific recommendations developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and other resuscitation councils around the world, First Aid, CPR, and AED Guide, Eighth Edition is an excellent resource for action at common emergencies. This quick reference gives lay responders the tools necessary to prevent and minimize injury, provide comfort, and maximize care until professional medical care arrives. This guide is perfect for anybody who wants quick, portable access to vital first aid and basic life support information in place of, or in addition to, taking a formal first aid or CPR and AED course.The First Aid, CPR, and AED Guide, Eighth Edition may be used within first aid, CPR, and AED refresher training courses offered through the Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI). Please note that ECSI digital course completion certificates are not included.