Land in the tropics and sub tropics occupy approximately 40 percent of the Earth's surface and is currently home to a a large portion of the world's population. This book provides a detail ed scientific account of the current state and condition of land change in the Tropics. The main themes of tropical land change science include not only extensification and intensifi cation, butal so diversification and co mpetition for land; resilience of land systems; the multiple roles of institutions, markets, societies, and individu als; andth e effects of decisions made at manifold spatial, temporal, and organizational scales in influencing land change. These themes together with issues such as frontier settleme nt, dynamics of plant invasions and other changes in environmental qualitya ssociated with alternate land uses clearly demonstrate the importanceof an integrateda nd interdisciplinary understanding of socio economic and human systems aswell as environ mental systems. This book takes such a coupled approach to human and natural systems and investigates land change as anexe mplar oft he funda mental interdependence of society, economy, and environment. Development of methodologies required for achieving a more integrated and interdisciplinary understanding of land change in coupled natural and human systems are an important effort in the international land change sci ence community. This book addresses and explores manyof t hese meth odologies,provi ding detailed case studies that demonstrate the importance of strong methodologies.